Source: A Heavenly Vista: The Pilgrimage of Louis G. Gregory
Louis Gregory’s journeyed in April 1911 to see ‘Abdu’l-Baha, recently released from prison and recovering His health in Alexandria, Egypt. He was invited to the temporary home of ‘Abdu’l-Baha. There “several persons were present, but among them ‘Abdu’l-Baha was easily distinguished. Majesty and beauty are His adornments. Following a natural impulse, my knee was bent reverently before Him. Feeling Him bend over me, I knew that He touched my head with his lips. He then raised me up and directed me to a seat. Besides my guide, the other persons present proved to be Tamaddun ul Molk and Nouraddin Zaine, Persians, and Nevill G. Meak in and Miss Louisa A. M. Mathew,” Gregory recalled. “’Abdu’l- Baha asked after my health. I answered that I was well. For the weariness of the long journey, the suspense, and the excitement of landing for the first time at an Oriental port, were all forgotten in His Presence. I never felt more peaceful or composed. I said that I was happy to attain the meeting. He answered: “I am happy to have you here.” Mention was then made of fragrant Baha’i meetings in Washington and New York just prior to my departure, and of letters and tokens of love sent by the friends. Some of the messages being delivered, out of His great wisdom fitting responses were made.
Among the conversations during Gregory’s visit, ‘Abdu’l-Baha explained, “There are four classes of people. The first is those who have accepted the teachings and occupy themselves spreading the Glad Tidings. The second is those who are good believers, but make no effort to guide others. The third is those who have heard the Message of the Kingdom but have not accepted it. The fourth is those who have not yet heard of this Revelation. As to the contention of those who deny and oppose, you have already had experience enough to know what this means.”
At another time ‘Abdu’l-Baha asked Gregory, “What of the conflict between the white and colored races?”
Gregory responded, “This question made me smile, for I at once felt that my Inquirer, although He had never in person visited America, yet knew more of conditions than I could ever know. I answered that there was much friction between the races. That those who accepted the Baha’i teachings had hopes of an amicable settlement of racial differences, while others were despondent. Among the friends were earnest souls who wished for a closer unity of races and hoped that He might point out the way to them. He further questioned. ‘Does this refer to the removal of hatreds and antagonisms on the part of one race, or of both races?’ Both races, was my answer, and He said this would be done. Here He was told of a suggestion that had been made, that the central Baha’i meeting in Washington should be open to all races, while group meetings might be organized along racial lines. ‘The Mashriqu’l-Adhkar (Baha’i House of Worship and dependencies) must be open to all races.’ But at present we have no Mashriqu’l-Adhkar, I answered. ‘There must be no distinctions in Baha’i meetings. All are equal.’ ‘Abdu’l-Baha expressed approval of the Working Committee in giving representation to the colored race. He said He would pray for them. What should the colored race do to improve its material and spiritual condition? ‘The best thing for it is to accept these teachings. In this way they will gain the confidence of the whites and differences will fade. The Baha’i teachings reveal the means of both material and spiritual progress.’”
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