Role of Media in Society

Media is a mirror of the world. What do we see when we look into it?

"The publication of high thoughts is the dynamic power in the arteries of life; it is the very soul of the world." -The Baha'i Writings

Our Vision

Media as a Mirror

What role do our media institutions play in society? In the 19th century, the Baha’i writings stated that “the pages of swiftly appearing newspapers are indeed the mirror of the world.” While media technology has since evolved to include radio, television, and social media, among others, this original sentiment rings true. Our media system, in all its complexity, reflects the aspirations, dispositions, struggles, and challenges of the American people.

The image of media as a mirror prompts many questions. Do we like what we see when we look into this mirror? Does the mirror reflect people from every walk of life, or do we only see reflections of the privileged few? To what extent is the reflection accurate, and to what extent is it distorted, and why? Informed by Baha’i principles, we explore questions like these in collaboration with journalists, media professionals, and academics. Together, we work to build a collective vision for how our media can best contribute to the advancement of society.

Our Work

The Critical Media Roundtable

Alongside other lines of action, our Office hosts a regular critical media roundtable, convening groups of journalists, editors, and other media professionals to discuss foundational issues facing America’s media system. Past conversations have touched upon the limits and politics of objectivity, disinformation, and the power of narrative.

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