Source: The Diary of Mirza Mahmud-i-Zarqani Chronicling `Abdu’l-Baha’s Journey to America
Thursday, October 3, 1912
[San Francisco]
Many friends, both old and new, had the honor of visiting `Abdu’l-Baha and receiving enlightenment from Him. Some of His words to the gathering of the friends were these:
As there are four seasons in this material world, so it is in the spiritual world. When the divine spring is over and the heavenly bounty ceases, the trees of being lie dormant. Lifelessness and stillness prevail over the world of man. People become spiritless and withered. Autumn and winter set in. There exists no flower or greenery, no cheerfulness or mirth, no happiness or joy. Then the spiritual spring spreads its tent once more. The gardens of the hearts regain their freshness, charm and verdure. The buds of knowledge open and the anemones of reality appear. The world of man becomes another world. This is the divine law and is a requirement of the world of creation. This is the cause of the appearance of the many Manifestations of God.
In the afternoon, after seeing many visitors and answering questions from some reporters, at the invitation of Mrs Goodall the Master went to see the beautiful and tranquil Golden Gate Park located outside of the city. In the automobile on the way to the park the Master spoke about the grandeur of the Revelation of the Blessed Beauty [Baha’u’llah]:
No one was a denier of His virtues. All the wise men of the East considered Him the greatest person in the world. But they said, `Alas, that He has claimed divinity for Himself.’ Many of the people of the East said and wrote about me, too, `all agree that he excels in knowledge, learning, speech and explanation, but, alas! he is the propagator of a new law’. They expected us to be servants and propagators of their old dogmas and customs, not knowing that we are obliged to serve humanity and spread universal love and harmony.
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