Baha’is follow the teachings of Baha’u’llah, the Divine Educator sent by God to provide spiritual guidance for this modern era.
The basic beliefs and practices of the Baha’i Faith, which focus on service to the society through cooperative community building and fostering spiritual renewal.
All across the continent, Baha’is are learning to put into practice the unifying teachings of Baha’u’llah to create distinctive spiritual communities.
Baha’i believe that we are all one human family and that the profound challenges facing humanity can only be resolved by recognizing and applying this fundamental spiritual truth.
Baha’is recognize the divinity of Jesus Christ and see the Baha'i Faith as fulfillment of, and the next chapter in, Christ’s promise of creating the Kingdom of God on earth.
The divisions and injustices that beset America are symptoms of longstanding spiritual illnesses of racism and materialism that can only be resolved by recognizing the oneness of humanity.
Highlights about how Baha’is and their friends are systematically applying efforts in neighborhoods all around the county as part of a unified process of community building. Walk with us!
Progressive revelation, a core teaching in the Baha’i Faith, it suggests that religions are inherently one and that truth is revealed by God progressively over time through a series of divine Messengers. Each Revelation is tailored to suit the needs of the time, the place of their appearance and the capacity of humanity.
This magnificent structure embodies the central teachings of the Baha’i Faith: one loving Creator, one unfolding religion, and one diverse human family.
Learn more about the Baha’i Faith and its profound teachings by taking a virtual tour of the Temple and Welcome Center.
Read about the influence of the Baha’i House of Worship as a cultural institution.
The Baha’i House of Worship is a place of prayer, meditation and elevated conversations about the connection between worship of God and service to humanity. It was built for all people, including those simply enjoying the beauty of the gardens and the unique design of the building, and all are encouraged to gather on its grounds in prayer and meditation. To this end, we request your observance of a few basic guidelines to ensure an uplifting experience for all, and kindly request that anyone visiting the Temple only for the purpose of taking photos contact the Temple first to complete a brief orientation.
Looking for material specifically for children, parents and teaching children? Please visit our site, Brilliant Star, which seeks to empower kids to be world citizens, use their virtues to make the world a better place, and express their creativity, strengths, and beliefs.
Story collections featuring significant events and activities of the U.S. Baha’i community.
Stories of how people are learning to create vibrant and diverse spiritual communities based on the unifying teachings of the Baha’i Faith.
Stories of how people are contributing to the betterment of the world inspired by the Baha’i teachings.
Stories of how people are finding creative ways to put the Baha’i teachings into daily practice in their lives and work.
Stories from the Baha’i House of Worship in Wilmette, Illinois, one of eight continental Baha’i Temples around the world.
Building vibrant communities across racial and cultural divides A Rich Tapestry is a video storytelling series that expresses and illustrates how love is being translated into action to address questions of race and culture in the United States. This collection of video stories provides authentic...
The work of the Office currently focuses on racial unity and justice, the environment, economic justice, human rights, the role of media in society, and gender equality and the advancement of women.
Drawing on the collective experience of the American Baha'i community, the Office works with like-minded organizations and thinkers to advance national thinking around pressing social issues.
Find news, podcasts, think pieces, and media resources related to the Office’s work.
Get in touch with the Office to learn more about its work.
Baha’i conferences, retreats, courses and video chats that are open to everyone.
Overview of the Baha'i Holy Days and Calendar
An unprecedented series of global conferences is taking place, where individuals are exploring the inherent oneness of humanity and a universal call to work for the betterment of the world.
Starting Ridvan 178-179 BE (April 20, 2021 to 2022) Baha'is will be celebrating "A year for profound reflection on the life of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the strength of the Covenant of which He was the Centre, as the community prepares to commemorate the centenary of His Ascension."
Centenary (1912-2012) of the 239 day visit of 'Abdu'l-Bahá in North America, where He engaged in conversations, interviews, and events in the U. S. and Canada to propagate the teachings of Baha'u'llah.
Bicentenary of the Birth of Baha'u'llah (2017) & the Bab (2019) celebrated 200th anniversary of the Twin Manifestations.
Fill out this form to learn more, ask a question, or meet Baha'is near you.
A person becomes a Baha'i by recognizing Baha’u’llah as the Messenger of God for this age and informing the Baha'i community of their desire to join the Baha'i Faith. Fill out this form to get started.
Most Baha’i activities and events are open to all, but only enrolled members may give to the Baha’i funds, participate in Baha’i elections, and serve on Baha’i institutions.
Call 1-800-22-UNITE or use the Chat Online button on the lower right corner of the site.
The Baha’i Faith is a global faith community, established in virtually every country in the world.
The Baha’is of the United States operate three year-round conference and retreat centers that offer a wide range of programming for adults, youth and children.
Find Baha’i books, journals, magazines, music, ebooks and audiobooks.
Links to organizations and conferences dedicated to the scholarly study and research of the Baha’i Faith and its teachings.
The teachers of the CC are two 15-year-olds from the neighborhood who came from a JYG. The animators are a mix of those living in neighborhood and college students from Longwood University.
Whether you are exploring the Bahá'í Faith or looking to become an active member, there are various ways you can connect with our community.
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