The Birth of Baha’u’llah

November 7, 2021
The Birth of Baha’u’llah

Holy Day

The Birth of Baha’u’llah

Source: The Promulgation of Universal Peace
Talk at Home of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Emery, New York
18 April 1912

The “two …Festivals” are the anniversaries of the births of Baha’u’llah and the Bab. In the Muslim lunar calendar these fall on consecutive days, the birth of Baha’u’llah on the second day of the month of Muḥarram 1233 A.H. (12 November 1817), and the birth of the Bab on the first day of the same month 1235 A.H. (20 October 1819), respectively. They are thus referred to as the “Twin Birthdays.” (The Kitab-i-Aqdas)

The birth of Mirza Husayn `Aliy-i-Nuri (Baha’u’llah), happened at dawn,  in Tihran. His mother was Khadijih Khanum and His father was Mirza `Abbas, (also known as Mirza Buzurg).

“The Blessed Perfection, Baha’u’llah, belonged to the nobility of Persia. From earliest childhood He was distinguished among His relatives and friends. They said, “This child has extraordinary power.” In wisdom, intelligence and as a source of new knowledge, He was advanced beyond His age and superior to His surroundings. All who knew Him were astonished at His precocity. It was usual for them to say, “Such a child will not live,” for it is commonly believed that precocious children do not reach maturity. During the period of youth the Blessed Perfection did not enter school. He was not willing to be taught. This fact is well established among the Persians of Tihran. Nevertheless, He was capable of solving the difficult problems of all who came to Him. In whatever meeting, scientific assembly or theological discussion He was found, He became the authority of explanation upon intricate and abstruse questions presented.

Until His father passed away, Baha’u’llah did not seek position or political station notwithstanding His connection with the government. This occasioned surprise and comment. It was frequently said, “How is it that a young man of such keen intelligence and subtle perception does not seek lucrative appointments? As a matter of fact, every position is open to him.” This is an historical statement fully attested by the people of Persia.

He was most generous, giving abundantly to the poor. None who came to Him were turned away. The doors of His house were open to all. He always had many guests. This unbounded generosity was conducive to greater astonishment from the fact that He sought neither position nor prominence. In commenting upon this His friends said He would become impoverished, for His expenses were many and His wealth becoming more and more limited. “Why is he not thinking of his own affairs?” they inquired of each other; but some who were wise declared, “This personage is connected with another world; he has something sublime within him that is not evident now; the day is coming when it will be manifested.” In truth, the Blessed Perfection was a refuge for every weak one, a shelter for every fearing one, kind to every indigent one, lenient and loving to all creatures.

He became well-known in regard to these qualities before the Bab appeared. Then Baha’u’llah declared the Bab’s mission to be true and promulgated His teachings. The Bab announced that the greater Manifestation would take place after Him and called the Promised One “Him Whom God shall make manifest,” saying that nine years later the reality of His own mission would become apparent.”

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