‘Abdu’l-Baha in Cleveland

August 24, 2021
‘Abdu’l-Baha in Cleveland

History of Master’s Life

‘Abdu’l-Baha in Cleveland

Source: Star of the West/Volume 3/Issue 6


CLEVELAND was the fourth city to have the blessed privilege of a visit from ‘Abdu’l-Baha, who came here from Chicago, May 6. Only a short time had been given to herald his coming, yet the auditorium of Hotel Euclid, seating about four hundred, was filled with people whose hearts rejoiced as they listened to the address delivered by him, and which appeared in the last issue of the STAR OF THE WEST.

“This is a good city, a pleasant city. The climate is pleasant; the views are charming. All the cities of America seem to be large and beautiful and the people are prosperous. Truly the American continent has advanced very much and in the future will advance greatly. It will lead all other nations spiritually, for its illumination is far-reaching. The flag of freedom, the banner of liberty is unfurled; but the prosperity and advancement of every city, the happiness and the greatness of every country depend upon its hearing and becoming obedient to the call of God. The light of reality must shine therein. Divine civilization needs to be founded. The radiance of the kingdom shall be diffused. Material civilization is likened to the body, whereas the divine civilization is likened to the spirit. The body not manifesting the spirit is dead; the fruitless tree is useless.

“Jesus declares that there is spiritual capacity in some people; for all are not submerged in the sea of materialism. They seek the spirit; they turn to God and they long for the Kingdom. I hope that these revered people may obtain both phases of progress; both material and spiritual progress. Just as they have advanced along material lines so remarkably, so may they likewise advance in spiritual development until the body be most refined and beautiful and obtain the wealth of the spiritual potentiality and efficiency.

“Praise be to God! The Sun of Reality has dawned and its effulgences are shining from all horizons. The signs of God are resplendent and the teachings of the heavenly teachers are promulgated. In order that all created beings may obtain a portion of the Divine bestowals, may their hearts be directed to the Kingdom of God and become illuminated by witnessing the lights of God! May the spirit be regained through the Divine graces of the Lord, and may the East and the West be bound together! Thus may oneness and harmony manifest itself in all regions. Thus may all people become the manifestation of oneness, and by becoming as one being, may they become one family and obtain the bounty everlasting; may the doors of the Kingdom be opened from all directions and praise the Name of ABHA in all regions.”


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