Source: Palo Altan, Vol. 10, No. 43, 1 Nov. 1912
In America, the most notable newspaper report was that of the {Palo Altan}:
………. A crowded Assembly Hall, holding nearly two thousand people, awaited with eager expectancy the appearance last Tuesday morning of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, Abbas Effendi, the world leader of the Bahai movement. The venerable prophet, with his long gray beard and Persian cloak and turban, gave a true impression of the Far Eastern prophet of old…
………. ‘Abdu’l-Baha is revolutionizing the religion of Asia, bringing Mohammedans, Jews and Christians together…
………. A pilgrimage through England and America undertaken by ‘Abdu’l-Baha has great interest in the Bahai movement. The knowledge of this movement has been brought home to thousands of people who are willing and eager to spread its beneficent teachings. On this far western shore of America the seeds of peace and welfare find fertile ground and abundant fruitage. [{Palo Altan}, Vol. 10, No. 43, 1 Nov. 1912, p. 1]
The same issue of the {Palo Altan} gave, moreover, an account of the words of Dr David Starr Jordan (q.v.), President of Stanford University, in introducing ‘Abdu’l-Baha at a talk that the latter gave at Stanford University.
………. It is our portion to have with us, through the courtesy of our Persian friends, one of the great religious teachers of the world, one of the natural successors of the old Hebrew prophets.
………. He is said sometimes to be the founder of a new religion. He has upward of three millions of people following along the lines in which he leads. It is not exactly a new religion, however. The religion of brotherhood, of goodwill, of friendship between men and nations — that is as old as good thinking and good living may be. It may be said in some sense to be the oldest of religions. [{Palo Altan}, Vol. 10, No. 43, 1 Nov. 1912, p. 2]
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