Source: Diary of Mirza Ahmad Sohrab.
To a correspondent of The Examiner, October 3, 1912.
Correspondent: What is your objective in coming to America?
ABDUL-BAHA: I have come to America to promote the ideal of Universal Peace and the solidarity of the human race. I have not come for pleasure or as a tourist.
Correspondent: What is the greatest thing you have seen in America?
ABDUL-BAHA: The greatest thing I have seen in America is its freedom. In reality this is a free nation and a democratic government.
Correspondent: What is your opinion about Turkey and the Balkan War?
ABDUL-BAHA: We have nothing to do with war. We are advocates of peace. Speak to us about the condition of peace. Go to diplomatists and militarists and ask their opinion about this war. But as regards peace: In the world of humanity there is no more important affair, no weightier cause. It is conducive to the well-being of the world of creation; the means of the prosperity of the nations; the reason of eternal friendship between the people; the cause of solidarity between the East and the West; the promoter of real freedom, and the Most Eminent Favor of His Highness the Almighty. We must all strive to upraise the flag of international peace, the oneness of the world of humanity and the spiritual brotherhood of mankind.
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