
July 17, 2021

Virtues – Knowledge


Source:Memories of Nine Years in Akka, Dr. Youness Afroukhteh

Importance of Deepening

Another topic of Abdu’l Baha’s discourse…was the necessity of deepening and consolidating the newly-enrolled believers, which warranted at least temporarily a higher priority than even the duty of teaching itself. Once, when we had the bounty of being in the presence of Abdu’l Baha in the reception room of His Residence, He said the following concerning the deepening of new believers: 

“is it not true that the Blessed Beauty, may my life be a sacrifice for His loved ones, has advised wisdom and discretion in performing service related to the Faith? The purpose is to conduct that work in a manner consistent with the requirements of the time. At a given time a particular approach may be effective and it is that approach that should be followed. For example, there was a time when teaching was all-important and everyone was emphatically encouraged to participate. Today, teaching is not beneficial. This is the time for deepening and confirming the friends in the principles of the faith.” 

And then He pointed towards the foundation of the building and added, “Armed with pickaxes, the [enemies] are tearing into the very foundation of this Faith. What good is there in adding another floor to the edifice? Wisdom requires us to prevent them from destroying the foundation of the structure first. Before long the day will come when this foundation will grow strong, and then I will command all to teach the Faith. But for now, confirmation of the souls is more important than any other task.”


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